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Das BSI als Befugnis erteilende Behörde (BeB) für Konformitätsbewertungsstellen (KBS)

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) authorises conformity assessment bodies (CABs) who are aiming to be operating under Regulation (EU) 2019/881 (Cybersecurity Act, abrv. [CSA]) as well as § 9 [BSIG]. The request for authorization can be granted if obligations arising from the relevant European Cybersecurity Certification scheme according to Article 54 [CSA] as well as § 9 [BSIG] are fulfilled. The [CSA] defines CABs according to Article 2 (18) and Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008.

According to Article 60.2 and Annex No. 19 [CSA], CAB must be accredited by the national accreditation body (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle, abrv. DAkkS) in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008. Additionally, a CAB must be authorised by an authorising authority (abrv. BeB). BSI is the BeB for [CSA] as well as § 9 [BSIG] and in particular § 9a (2) [BSIG] in their current versions as well as all areas for which the relevant federal ministries have designated BSI as BeB. Moreover, § 2 (3) and § 4 Gesetz über die Akkreditierungsstelle [AkkStelleG] is regulating the cooperation between DAkkS and the authorities which are entitled in accordance with the law to authorise CABs to act as such. BSI grants authorisation according to § 9 (1) [BSIG] as National Cybersecurity Certification Authority (NCCA) and pursuant to Article 58.1 [CSA].

Once a CAB has been authorised BSI is notyfying the European Commission (COM) in accordance with Article 61.1 [CSA]. Further notification details may be regulated by COM through an implementing act pursuant to Article 61.5 [CSA].

The process is described in document "VB Befugnis" and is supplemented by the following requirement documents:

  • The programme authorisation EUCC includes the requirements from the implementing acts of the respective European cybersecurity certification schemes.
  • Document "Verzeichnisse" includes a central breakdown of all references (register of current documents) and a glossary
  • The document "Zeichenordnung" includes the terms of use for all users of the respective mark of certification  and  and Anerkennug(eng: recognition)

In order to be authorised for activities within the context of CSA the following application has to be filed:

Application form follows.

Please send the completed and signed applications to the following address:

Federal Office for Information Security
Division SZ 14
P.O. Box 20 03 63
53133 Bonn

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