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BSI TR-03163 Security in Telecommunications Infrastructure

The Technical Guideline TR-03163 ‘Security in Telecommunications Infrastructure’, contains the relevant certification schemes for critical components in public telecommunications networks with an increased risk potential in accordance with the ‘Catalogue of security requirements for the operation of telecommunications and data processing systems and for the processing of personal data pursuant to § 109 of the Telecommunications Act (TKG), Version 2.0’. The Technical Guideline TR-03163 ‘Security in Telecommunications Infrastructure’ is addressed to suppliers of critical components in telecommunications networks.

In addition to the Technical Guideline, supplementary information for the admissible certification schemes can be found in Annex A. This contains a list of available requirements documents for the certification of critical components in accordance with TR-03163 as well as a guidance for choosing a certification scheme. The list of requirements documents will be updated continuously.  

Current Version

BSI TR-03163: Security in Telecommunications Infrastructure, Version 1.1
BSI TR-03163 Annex A, Version 1.3

Disclaimer: The English version of TR-03163 is a courtesy translation. In case of ambiguity, the official German version shall prevail.

Further development of requirements documents

The above-mentioned requirements documents are needed to cover the ‘List of critical functions pursuant to section 109(6) sentence 1 para 2 TKG for public telecommunications networks and services with an increased risk potential’. Based on a risk analysis, the requirements documents to cover the critical functions are identified and developed continuously. Interested suppliers and other stakeholders can participate in the development process of the requirements documents. Please contact us under the address mentioned below.


The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) is responsible for this TR.

Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Referat S 32 - Vorgaben und Prüfung 5G/6G
Postfach 20 03 63
53133 Bonn