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SecDocs Security Komponenten Version 1.0 build version 1.0.308_6236

Antragsteller / Applicant

Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH

Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 8
80807 München

Prüfstelle / Evaluation Facility

TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH

Prüftiefe / Assurance


Schutzprofil / Protection Profile

Common Criteria Protection Profile for an ArchiSafe Compliant Middleware for Enabling the Long-Term Preservation of Electronic Documents Version 1.0, 31 October 2008, BSI-CC-PP-0049-2008

Ausstellungsdatum / Certification Date


Zertifizierungsreport / Certification Report
Sicherheitsvorgaben / Security Target

Der TOE stellt als Softwareprodukt den Kern einer ArchiSafe-konformem Middleware mit folgenden Sicherheitsfunktionen bereit:

  • Zugriffsbeschränkungen auf das Archiv durch zuverlässige Authentisierung der Client Software
  • Vermeidung der Archivierung von ungültigen Datenobjekten durch zuverlässige Verifikation
  • Weiterleitung des verifizierten Datenobjekts an die Speichereinheit
  • Vermeidung der Löschung eines Archivobjekts durch eine fremde Client Software oder vor Ablaufzeit ohne Angabe eines Löschgrundes

Die vollständige TOE Referenz lautet:
SecDocs Security Komponenten Version 1.0, build version 1.0.308_6236

The TOE is a software product providing the core of an ArchiSafe compliant archive middleware which acts as secure archive gateway. It provides the following general security functionalities:

  • preventing the access to the archive from unknown client software application (CS) by reliable identification and authentication of these external entities,
  • preventing the storage of invalid submission data objects by reliable verification of the submission data object (SDO) before forwarding them to the long-term storage unit (SU) or another trusted application which in turn forwards the SDO to the SU,
  • forwarding of successfully checked SDOs to the dedicated SU only or another trusted application which in turn forwards the SDO to the dedicated SU only,
  • preventing the erasure of archive date objects (ADOs) by any other CS than the CS which has also submitted this ADO and preventing the erasure of ADOs before expiry of their retention time without a justification.

The complete TOE reference is given by:
SecDocs Security Komponenten Version 1.0, build version 1.0.308_6236