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NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D080/052/040MVC including IC Dedicated Software with MIFARE Plus MF1PLUSx0

Antragsteller / Applicant

NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH

Stresemannallee 101
22529 Hamburg

Prüfstelle / Evaluation Facility

TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH

Prüftiefe / Assurance


Schutzprofil / Protection Profile

Security IC Platform Protection Profile, Version 1.0, 15 June 2007, BSI-CC-PP-0035-2007

Ausstellungsdatum / Certification Date


Zertifizierungsreport / Certification Report
Sicherheitsvorgaben / Security Target

Der NXP Secure Smart Card Controller P60D080/052/040MVC ist eine Hardware-Plattform für Anwenderprogramme, die unter einem Smart Card Betriebssystem laufen. Der IC besteht aus 8-bit CPU, Special Function Register, Triple-DES Co-Prozessor, AES Co- Prozessor, CRC Co-Processor, Fame2 Co-Prozessor, Memory Management Unit, Copy Machine, Zufallszahlengenerator (RNG), Power Modul sowie Sensoren und Filtern. Der P60D080/052/040MVC unterstützt die Wahrung der Integrität und der Vertraulichkeit der in den nicht flüchtigen Speichern abgelegten Daten und die Integrität und den Betrieb der bereitgestellten Sicherheitsfunktionen. Der P60D080/052/040MVC ist konform zum Smartcard IC Platform Protection Profile (BSI-CC-PP-0035-2007).

The NXP Smart Card Controller P60D080/052/040MVC is a Security IC hardware platform with IC Dedicated Software which can be used for a variety of high security applications like banking and finance market, in electronic commerce or in governmental applications like electronic pass port, identity card as well as for access control systems and loyalty applications. It comprises the following components: 8-bit CPU, Special Function Registers, Triple-DES Co-Processor, AES Co-Processor, CRC Co-Processor, Fame2 Co-Processor, Memory Management Unit, Copy Machine, Random Number Generator (RNG), Power Module and a module comprising Security Sensors and Filters. The P60D080/052/040MVC supports the preservation of the integrity and confidentiality of the non-volatile memory data and the integrity and operation of the provided security functions. The P60D080/052/040MVC conforms to the Smartcard IC Platform Protection Profile (BSI-CC- PP-0035-2007).