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NXP Secure Smart Card Controllers P5CD016V1D / P5CD021V1D / P5CD041V1D / P5Cx081V1D with DESFire EV1

Antragsteller / Applicant

NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH

Stresemannallee 101
22529 Hamburg

Prüfstelle / Evaluation Facility

T-Systems GEI GmbH

Prüftiefe / Assurance


Schutzprofil / Protection Profile

Security IC Platform Protection Profile, Version 1.0, 15 June 2007, BSI-CC-PP-0035-2007

Ausstellungsdatum / Certification Date


Zertifizierungsreport / Certification Report
Sicherheitsvorgaben / Security Target

Der EVG ist eine Smartcard und beinhaltet eine Hardware Plattform sowie ein festes Softwarepaket (Smartcard Embedded Software). Der EVG kann für eine Vielfalt von Anwendungen verwendet werden.

The TOE is a hardware platform with IC Dedicated Support Software that provides additional security services mainly independent of the Security IC Embedded Software. The TOE is a smart card product which can be used for a variety of applications like electronic fare collection, stored value card systems, access control systems and loyalty applications. If privacy is an issue, the TOE can be configured not to disclose any information to unauthorized users.