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TODO: Sicherheitskennzeichen von PlusMail
Security information No vulnerability known
Valid until 26.01.2026IT-SIK-01002Email Services

The BSI is not aware of any current vulnerabilities.

To ensure that your use of digital products and services is as secure as possible, we recommend that you proactively inform yourself about IT security. For example, you can use the services offered by the Digital Consumer Protection of BSI.
Digital consumer protection

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Security label for PlusMail

Label ID: IT-SIK-01002 , Duration: 27.01.2022 - 26.01.2026

IT Security Label

For products bearing the IT Security Label, the manufacturer has undertaken to implement the security requirements of the BSI. Compliance with the requirements is monitored by the BSI on both an ad hoc and random basis. Nevertheless, vulnerabilities can occur in all IT products over time. Keep your digital products up to date by either carrying out security updates immediately or having them carried out automatically.

More about the IT Security Label

Manufacturer declaration for Email Services

With the manufacturer's declaration, the service provider has assured the Federal Office for Information Security of the following points:

The service provider has declared that the service complies with the Technical Guideline for Secure Email Transport and that this has been tested.

The service provider has declared that the email service has been tested in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Guideline for Secure Email Transport BSI TR-03108. He further declares that it meets all mandatory requirements of the aforementioned Technical Guideline at the time of application and that it maintains them for the duration of the validity of the IT Security Label. In addition, the service provider declared that the recommended requirements of the aforementioned Technical Guideline are also met at the time of application and maintained for the terms duration, unless a contrary declaration of justified deviations was submitted with this application.

The service provider undertakes to inform the BSI immediately of any security vulnerabilities known to it.

For the terms duration, the service provider assured to inform the Federal Office for Information Security unsolicited if the declared characteristics of the service change as soon as they become known to it, including (temporary) disruptions of the information security of the e-mail service and security vulnerabilities.

The service provider commits to immediately fix any vulnerabilities it is aware of and inform the BSI accordingly.

For the duration of the approval, the service provider also assured that it would immediately fix any security vulnerabilities it becomes aware of with regard to the e-mail service and notify the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) of the status of the measures taken to this end in accordance with section 3 para. 4 sentence 2 BSI-ITSiKV (Ordinance on the IT Security Label of the German Federal Office for Information Security).


IT Security Properties

Security properties of E-mail services


The service provider assures to provide transparent information regarding the security of the service. More about transparency...

State of the art

The service provider assures to update its security concept continuously and to implement it permanently. Outdated or insecure technology will no longer be used. More about the state of the art...

Secure interfaces

The service provider assures to protect the interfaces of the service with up-to-date methods. The technologies required in the Technical Guideline are used for this purpose. More about secure interfaces...

Data security

The service provider declares to guarantee the security of user data and to ensure the basic values of information security (confidentiality, integrity and availability). More about data security...



Information for PlusMail

Service provider

Provider GmbH


Münsterstraße 3
33330 Gütersloh
