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Configuration Recommendations for Windows 10 Logging

Date 21.04.2021

This document outlines the result of work package 10 of the project “SiSyPHuS Win10: Studie zu Systemaufbau, Protokollierung, Härtung und Sicherheitsfunktionen in Windows 10” (orig., ger.). This project is being conducted by the company ERNW Enno Rey Netzwerke GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security (orig. ger.: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI)).

The objective of this work package is to create a comprehensive logging concept for the components of Windows 10. As required by the Federal Office for Information Security, Windows 10 LTSC 2019, 64 Bit in German language is the focus of this document.