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Online collection systems for European Citizens' Initiatives

Statements of support for European Citizens' Initiatives can not only be collected in paper form, but also electronically using an online collection system (OCS).

Central online collection system

Since 1 January 2020, the European Commission has operated a central OCS, which European Citizens' Initiative organisers can use to collect statements of support free of charge.

Individual online collection systems

As an alternative to the central OCS, organisers also have the option to collect statements of support online via individual online collection systems which they operate themselves.

Organisers may only collect statements of support for a citizens' initiative using an individual OCS if they provide evidence to the relevant authority of the Member State in which the system is being operated, demonstrating that their individual OCS meets the (security) requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/788 and obtain a certificate to that effect.

The authority responsible for issuing these certificates in Germany is the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).

Before organisers can apply for a certificate from the BSI, they must first register the citizens' initiative with the Commission, which determines whether the initiative is admissible.