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Digital security every day

Useful and concrete capacity building services designed to help users help themselves

The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) is responsible for shaping digital information security for the government, businesses and society. In this section, we provide consumers with general information and specific recommendations for action in the field of ITsecurity. Firstly, we believe it is important to raise awareness about current risks, but also equally important to provide the right tools for the private sector - whether at home or on the go.

Newsletter: Be safe every 14 days!
With the newsletter 'Sicher Informiert' (in german speech) and our Security recommendation the BSI offers informations all around IT security.
'Easy to understand' and many 'tips and tricks':
To the newsletter 'Sicher Informiert'.

When consumers are aware of threats facing their personal connected devices and online services and take advantage of our "capacity-building" services, we have already achieved our first goal. As a next step, we provide instructions and useful tips at many different junctures, whether in the form of text, images, audio or videos (click here to access our media library), to enable these services to be used as often, quickly and effectively as possible.

Unfortunately, there is no 100% protection against threats from cyber space. The task of the BSI BSI is to inform consumers of threats, raise awareness of risks and offer suitable protective measures. We'll help you to gain a better understanding of new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), 5G and blockchain . We provide specific and practical tips on topics such as passwordsas well as all issues relating to online communication, e.g. e-mail and social networks. We'll also shed light on the dark net, the gaming industry and the benefits of and requirements for the increasing digitisation of the healthcare and administration sectors in Germany.