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Internet law

The Internet is not a lawless space

This text was produced with the kind support of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA)

Even though it has been perceived this way for a long time, the virtual world is not a lawless space. Even on the Internet, rules must be followed: from respecting copyrights to proper business dealings and ensuring seller transparency (keyword: "imprint obligation").

FAQs around Internet law

But what do you do if you fall into the clutches of fraudulent online traders or become a victim of a phishing attack? Our focus section lists the essential points relating to legal aspects of the Internet, mobile phones etc.

Please note that the BSI is not allowed to provide legal advice - the Legal Services Act restricts this to the professional groups it authorises. We therefore limit ourselves to listing the most frequently asked questions and referring to suitable Internet sources. We do not provide any guarantee that the information we provide is complete.

Despite careful checking of the links provided, the BSI accepts no liability for the accuracy of the content of these pages, as they are subject to a continuous process of change and the BSI is not responsible for their content. Information on other, i.e. non-legal, protective measures can be found in the respective topics featured on this website. Use our search function to help you.

Rules and regulations in the virtual world

Legal problems related to the Internet and other new communication technologies can arise in a large number of situations. Since the legal situation is constantly changing due to new regulations and court rulings, we cannot provide conclusive information here. Instead, we have listed the relevant contact points for specific legal questions.

Even if you do not currently have a legal problem, you should read the entire list: this will equip you more effectively to recognise what you need to pay attention to and where you can take action to protect your rights. It is also helpful to know the legal flexibility you have too. For example, many a website designer has veered from the legal path by using protected images, texts or software codes without being aware of it.

Tips and laws

The most important tips for filing a criminal complaint

If you want to take criminal action against someone, you first have to deal with a few practical questions: Where do I file the charges or make a criminal complaint? How do you formulate a complaint? What do you need to consider about evidence? The police have detailed information on criminal complaints on their websites.

The most important laws:

We also recommend subscribing to the police advice newsletter:

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