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Cyber Bullying and Cyber Stalking: Help for Victims

In principle, each case is unique, because both the acts themselves and the perpetrators vary. This applies to both cyber bullying and cyber stalking.

Cyber bullying

  • If you are being bullied online, take the problem seriously. Minimising or dismissing the issue will not help. Do not put up with being a victim.
  • Block the person so that they cannot send you any further messages and do not reply to any messages you have already received.
  • Inform the provider of the service that is being used to bully you and demand that the perpetrator's profile be deleted and their access to the service be blocked.
  • Secure evidence. For example, take screenshots.
  • Young people tend to want to solve their problems on their own. In this case, however, they always should turn to their parents and teachers. Experience has shown that this is the best step to take and that pupils who report bullying to their parents and teachers are not viewed as weak by their classmates. However, anyone who does not want to involve parents or teachers can call the "Nummer gegen Kummer" helpline for children and parents (available in German) anonymously.
  • Adults should also confide in their friends. A problem shared is a problem halved. Two heads are better than one.
  • Cyber bullying is a criminal act. You can contact the police and make a report. Even if the proceedings are not taken forward, the perpetrator will find it deeply uncomfortable that a criminal proceeding was lodged against them and that they will therefore have to justify themselves, for example, to their family.

Cyber stalking

  • If you suspect that your smartphone is being spied on and you want to seek out help, use another device to do so. This prevents the perpetrator from finding out.
  • Secure evidence if possible.
  • Stalking can be a criminal act. You can contact the police and make a report.
  • Return your smartphone to its factory settings. Reinstall all of your apps and set new, unique passwords for your important accounts, such as e-mail, social networks and cloud services.
  • If the perpetrator has a sufficient level of expert knowledge and long-term access to your device, the possibility cannot be fully excluded that invisible and potentially unrecognisable stalkerware has been installed that cannot be removed by returning your device to factory settings. If you suspect this is the case, your only option is to use another device.