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Account protection for online shopping

Special attention should be paid to secure personal access

Online retailers and auction sites have changed the shopping habits of many people in recent years. In addition to the large selection, the main attraction is the convenience of shopping from home any time you like. Shop opening hour restrictions, parking problems and long queues at the checkout are a thing of the past. And the goods are delivered right to the door of your house or flat.

But even if you don't leave home for your next shopping trip, there are a few things you should consider before shopping online that could protect you from financial loss and a lot of hassle. In addition to the classic cases of fraud - not receiving goods or services - the tapping and misuse of credit card or account data is a common problem. This happens through poorly secured online accounts, fake websites and malicious e-mails.

Secure online shopping: seven key factors

Securing your own account or online account is an important step on the way to the safest possible online shopping. The following picture gallery shows the seven key factors for more account security:

Before you purchase on the Internet, it is also advisable to find out about the terms for the online shop (can the general terms and conditions be viewed, is there a reputable seller identification, are there data protection agreements?) as well as the payment methods.

Online shopping - what to do in an emergency? The SOS card helps!

You can download and print out the SOS card for online shopping which details further protective measures you can take against crime when shopping online.