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Spam, Phishing, Etc.

How to recognise fake and malicious e-mails


More than half the e-mails sent worldwide are considered to be spam. A large part of these are unwanted advertising mails. However, many spam e-mails are not simply annoying: they are also dangerous.


The term spam also covers phishing e-mails. Cyber criminals use these to 'go fishing' for passwords and other personal information. We explain how you can recognise phishing e-mails and how you can protect yourself against them. Infected e-mail attachments are still the most common method by malware is spread.


Mass emails and social media posts increasingly contain false reports, a type of spam also called hoaxes. Sometimes, the people sending hoaxes are just playing a prank. However, hoax e-mails often use fake news to try to influence your opinion about certain topics. Be especially cautious if you receive an electronic chain letter. Do not forward a hoax to anyone, whether by e-mail, on social networks or in messaging apps.

Fake sender addresses

Practically every spam mail uses a fake sender address. Here is our list of characteristics you can use to figure out whether the sender is real or fake.

The following pages have all you need to know about spam, phishing and more. We'll start with a little, two-minute animation that demonstrates what you need to look out for. Always keep your guard up. And take initiative to inform yourself. Knowledge is the best protection against spam and other cyber threats.

Video on e-mail security check:

Watch our explanatory video to learn how to recognise fake e-mails: