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Fake E-mail Addresses - What To Do?

If you continue to receive spam despite taking precautionary measures and considering our recommendations, do remember never to respond to the e-mails. In particular, never click a link in a spam e-mail or open any attachments.

However, if you have clicked a link or opened an attachment, don't panic! Scan your computer for malware immediately. If the virus scanner identifies something, immediately change all important passwords, especially the password for your e-mail account and your online accounts at your bank, payment service providers and online retailers.

Independently of an incident, you should always use secure passwords and use a different password for every service. If you suffer damage after a phishing attack, file a criminal complaint immediately at the fraud investigation office at your local police station. Contact your bank and any other service providers involved in the case. If you are in doubt, you can obtain information from the online counselling office of the police.