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Name of Malware: SimpleLocker

warning triangle red

Type of Malware: Ransomware, scarware

Affected Operating Systems: Android

Affected Device Types: Mobile phones, smartphones, tablets

Impact: high

What is SimpleLocker?

SimpleLocker encrypts personal files such as images and documents. It then blocks the system with a lock screen that the user cannot remove, with a message stating that a ransom must be paid. The lock screen renders the operating system unusable.

How did I get infected with SimpleLocker?

SimpleLocker relies on the user actively installing an infected application, which is normally hidden within another software package that appears completely harmless.

What do I have to do now?

The device that is at risk can be cleaned by removing the app in question. To remove the app, the user can activate Android's safe mode. There are tools available to decrypt files that have been encrypted by SimpleLocker.

Further information can be found under Removing infections on smartphones and tablets.