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Name of Malware: RootSTV (Xolco)

warning triangle orange

Type of Malware: Trojan, dropper

Affected Operating Systems: Android

Affected Device Types: SmartTVs, smartphones, notebooks, tablets

Impact: medium

What is RootSTV?

RootSTV is a trojan and downloader for Android devices, mainly SmartTVs.
RootSTV downloads additional malicious programs from a server and executes them without the user's consent. Herefore it uses a vulnerability of older andraid versions.

How did I get infected with RootSTV?

The malware is a trojan part of a serie of apps that can be used to watch not regional online tv. These apps are promoted among dubios websites and must be installed by the user himself.

What do I have to do now?

With an android based antivirus software it can be tried to find and delete these malware. alternativly the device should be reset and the newest firmware must be installed.

Further information on removing this malware can be found under Removing infections from PCs, laptops etc.