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Name of Malware: Glupteba (Carberp)

warning triangle red

Type of Malware: Click fraud, info stealer, trojan, downloader

Affected Operating Systems: Windows

Affected Device Types: PCs, laptops and in the second stage IoT devices (including MikroTik and Netgear)

Impact: high

What is Glupteba?

Glupteba is a trojan for Windows devices, it is an innocuous-looking malicious computer program.
Among other things, it has functions to steal information, misuse resources to conduct cryptomining, for example, and simulate clicking on advertising banners that generate profits on a pay-per-click basis.

How did I get infected with Glupteba?

Glupteda infections can occur through websites where attackers have deposited malicious scripts. These scripts are used to download and install the malware without victims' consent. It also spreads via links on social media and networks, but can also spread within the network and also compromise IoT devices.

What do I have to do now?

In order to eliminate Glupteba and, if necessary, detect further infections, it is recommended to scan the infected system with an antivirus program and remove any finds.

Further information on removing this malware can be found under Removing infections from PCs, laptops etc.

Technical specifications

Further information on this malware can be found on the website of our project partner Fraunhofer FKIE.