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Name of Malware: FluBot

warning triangle red

Type of Malware: Banking trojan

Affected Operating System: Android (4.1.2-10)

Affected Device Types: Mobile phones, smartphones, tablets

Impact: high

What is FluBot?

FluBot is a banking trojan for Android devices. FluBot's main task is to steal banking information from its victims. The malware can also steal cryptocurrency and exfiltrate various pieces of information relating to the victim.

How did I get infected with FluBot?

FluBot is disseminated via SMS spam. The victim receives a text message with an instruction to click on a link; this link leads to a download page for a malicious app. The app must be actively installed by the victim.

What do I have to do now?

The device that is at risk can be cleaned by removing the app in question, but FluBot will attempt to hinder this process. It may be necessary to reset the device
to the factory settings.

Further information can be found under Removing infections on smartphones and tablets.