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Name of Malware: Conficker (Downadup, Traffic Converter)

warning triangle orange

Type of Malware: Computer worm

Affected Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP,  Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista und Windows Server 2008

Affected Device Types: Removable media, PCs, laptops

Impact: medium

What is Conficker?

Conficker deactivates important system services and security products and downloads random files, including other malware. It also prevents victims from visiting websites and downloading security updates.

How did I get infected with Conficker?

Conficker is disseminated via USB sticks and networks, by guessing weak passwords.

What do I have to do now?

A security update (MS08-067) to protect systems against Conficker was published by Microsoft in October 2008. To eliminate Conficker, we recommend scanning the infected system with an anti-virus program.

Further information on removing this malware can be found under Removing infections from PCs, laptops etc.

Technical specifications

Further information on this malware can be found on the website of our project partner Fraunhofer FKIE.