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Name of Malware: Bedep (Rozana)

warning triangle orange

Type of Malware: Click fraud, downloader

Affected Operating Systems: Windows

Affected Device Types: PCs, laptops

Impact: medium

What is Bedep?

Bedep is an innocent-looking but damaging computer program.

Its primary function is to simulate clicks on advertising banners that generate profit on a pay-per-click basis. This activity is referred to as click fraud.

Bedep downloads other malware from a server and runs these programs.

How did I get infected with Bedep?

Bedep infections can be acquired via websites that contain malicious scripts placed there by attackers. The scripts are used to download and install the malware without the user's consent.

What do I have to do now?

To eliminate Bedep and detect any other infections that may be present, we recommend scanning the system with an anti-virus program and removing any viruses that are detected.

Further information on removing this malware can be found under Removing infections from PCs, laptops etc.