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Application forms and contact details
for certification to technical guidelines

To start the certification process for a specific product/system, a corresponding application must be submitted to the BSI. To do so, please use one of the following application forms:

Application for the Issuance of a Certificate according to Technical Guidelines

As part of the application process for certification according to BSI TR-03154/-03155/-03157, the
following declaration must be signed and enclosed with the application.

After completing and signing your application, please send it as by post to:

Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Referat SZ 25
Postfach 20 03 63
53133 Bonn

Alternatively, applications can also be emailed as a pdf to

Please direct any other questions or feedback on the certification process according to technical guidelines to:

For encrypted communication with the certification body (TR) at the BSI, please use the following PGP key or the S/MIME certificate:

Öffentlicher Schlüssel (
Fingerprint: F987 A9A7 0F9C 8D67 C4A4 8D60 ED5B D6CB BCB2 A6E2

S/MIME certificate (
Fingerprint: 3ABE 7B8F 6751 5C48 C2EE 01AD 7EEB 316A 4B76 9FBC