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Certification according to NESAS CCS-GI

The national certification scheme for 5G mobile network equipment

The National Certification Scheme for 5G Mobile Equipment

The Network Equipment Security Assurance Scheme (NESAS) is a framework developed by the Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA) and the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) to review, assure and improve security in the mobile communications industry. NESAS describes a common global basis for the creation of national and international requirements that is used to evaluate defined security features of mobile radio equipment.

The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has developed a national certification scheme for product certification based on the GSMA-NESAS assessment scheme, which is called NESAS Cybersecurity Certification Scheme - German Implementation (NESAS CCS-GI). This national certification scheme for 5G mobile network equipment allows equipment vendors to demonstrate compliance with required security features through an IT cybersecurity certification.

New versions of the scheme documents

The procedures and examination requirements of NESAS CCS-GI are constantly being reviewed and improvements are being added to the documents. Based on the lessons learned so far, the BSI has created the new version 1.2 of the NESAS CCS-GI scheme documents, which are now available for download.

Interested vendors are invited to submit certification applications in order to gain experience and optimise their processes for the future. With a steadily increasing number of certification processes, IT security can be improved and the needs of the industry are continuously aligned with the IT cybersecurity certification of 5G equipment. The BSI is continuously developing the processes and steps on the basis of practical findings and is helping to shape the European harmonised scheme EU5G accordingly.

Certification of critical components

TR-03163 "Security in Telecommunications Infrastructure" names NESAS CCS-GI as an approved scheme for the certification of critical components in telecommunications networks. Information on approved certification schemes for critical components in telecommunications networks with increased risk potential as well as instructions for selecting a suitable certification scheme are provided by the Technical Guideline TR-03163 „Sicherheit in TK-Infrastrukturen“.


Federal Office for Information Security
Devision S 26 - BSZ, NESAS Certification
Postbox 20 03 63
53133 Bonn, Germany

Telephone: 0800 274 1000
Telefax: +49 228 99 9582-5455

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