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Application forms

To apply for NESAS CCS-GI certification for a specific product, the following application document must be completed and submitted to the certification body:

Scheme documents

Please find here all documents necessary for the procedure.

The procedure for certifying products is regulated in the document Process description for the certification of products [VB-Products in German]. It is supplemented by subsequent requirement documents. A list of the referenced documents and the glossary can be found in the document Verzeichnisse.

Note: The German scheme documents have been published in a new version 1.2. The binding scheme documents are the German-language one (the document AIS N2 is only available in English). These are defined in the document Verzeichnisse. The courtesy translation into English is currently in progress and will be published soon (planned completion of all documents by the beginning of December 2023).

Application notes and interpretations

Please find here all application notes and interpretations (AIS) for the NESAS CCS-GI for download.

Externally referenced documents

Please find externally referenced documents and content under the following links.


GSMA NESAS FS.xxAudit methodology NESAS CCS-GI
3GPP SpecificationsNetwork product evaluation requirements for NESAS CCS-GI


Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
Devision S 26 - BSZ, NESAS Certification
Postbox 20 03 63
53133 Bonn, Germany

Telephone: 0800 274 1000
Telefax: +49 228 99 9582-5455

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