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Application forms

To apply for NESAS CCS-GI certification for a specific product, the following application document must be completed and submitted to the certification body:

Scheme documents

Please find here all documents necessary for the procedure.

The procedure for certifying products is regulated in the document Process description for the certification of products [VB-Products in German]. It is supplemented by subsequent requirement documents. A list of the referenced documents and the glossary can be found in the document Verzeichnisse.

Note: The binding scheme documents are the German-language one. The document AIS N2 is only available in English.

Application notes and interpretations

Please find here all application notes and interpretations (AIS) for the NESAS CCS-GI for download.

Externally referenced documents

Please find externally referenced documents and content under the following links.


GSMA NESAS FS.xxAudit methodology NESAS CCS-GI
3GPP SpecificationsNetwork product evaluation requirements for NESAS CCS-GI


Federal Office for Information Security
Devision S 26 - BSZ, NESAS Certification
Postbox 20 03 63
53133 Bonn, Germany

Telephone: 0800 274 1000
Telefax: +49 228 99 9582-5455

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