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Common Criteria (CC) ISO/IEC 15408:2022 and Evaluation Methodology ISO/IEC 18045:2022

The Common Criteria (CC) ISO/IEC 15408: 2022 was published by ISO in August 2022 and is now available for conducting evaluations and certifications of IT products. ISO/IEC 15408:2022 replaces the previous ISO version of this standard.

This ISO version of the Common Criteria now consists of five parts:

ISO/IEC 15408:2022 can be obtained according to the above link via the ISO portal or, if applicable, via national sources of supply for standards.

The common evaluation methodology ISO/IEC 18045:2022 was also published by ISO in August 2022 and is now available for conducting evaluations of IT products. ISO/IEC 18045:2022 replaces the previous ISO version of this standard. ISO/IEC 18045 specifies a harmonized methodology for evaluations based on the ISO/IEC 15408 standard.

ISO/IEC 18045:2022 can be obtained via the ISO portal or, where applicable, via national sources of supply for standards.

Information on the Common Criteria is available from the:

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