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Common Criteria Version CC:2022 Release 1 and Evaluation Methodology CEM:2022 Release 1

The Common Criteria Version CC:2022 und CEM:2022 Release 1 were approved for use by the international community in November 2022 in the international Common Criteria Recognition Agreement (CCRA) and derived from the international standard ISO/IEC 15408:2022 and ISO/IEC 18045:2022.

In addition to the release of the criteria, a transition policy (Transition Policy to CC:2022 and CEM:2022) has been agreed for the use of previous CC versions. Further details can be found in the CCRA portal.

The CC:2022 version of the Common Criteria now consists of five parts:

  • Part 1: Introduction and general model
  • Part 2: Security functional components
  • Part 3: Security assurance components
  • Part 4: Framework for the specification of evaluation methods and activities
  • Part 5: Pre-defined packages of security requirements

The Common Methodology for Information Security Evaluation (CEM) CC:2022 Release 1 was also adopted by the international community in the international Common Criteria Recognition Agreement (CCRA). It defines a coordinated methodology for evaluations based on the CC.

The CC:2022 standard can be downloaded from the CCRA web portal.

Information on the Common Criteria is available from the:

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