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Developing AIS

1. Initiating AIS

AIS may arise due to

(a) A specific issue in an ongoing evaluation in the national certification scheme

It may be that one of the requirements specified by the applicable set of criteria results in different interpretations. If a binding interpretation has not yet been established for this purpose, the following procedure applies:

The problem is first clarified with the certification body’s auditor within the framework of the ongoing evaluation so that this procedure can be continued. If there are any comparable cases, the certification body must take these into account to provide a binding interpretation for this individual case. If there are no comparable cases or the issue is due to a fundamental question about applying the set of criteria, the case is anonymised (with no references to any products / applicants / testing bodies) and draft AIS are formulated and AIS submitted to the AIS voting process.

b) A discussion in the European working group: (JIL-WG) on ITSEC and Common Criteria (CC).

In this case, the JIL-WG discussion paper can be used in the form of AISin the national voting process.

c) A discussion in the international interpretation working group (CCMB) on Common Criteria (CC)

In this case, the CCMB discussion paper (Draft Interpretation) can be used in the form of AISin the national voting process.

d) The need to clarify procedural issues

In this case, the procedural issue to be clarified is formulated in the form of AIS.

2. Voting on AIS

The draft AIS are sent to all testing, certification and verification bodies for comments. These comments are incorporated into the voting process. Voting on AIS can be carried out in the German scheme (D) at a national level, in the JIL-WG at the European level (E) or in the JIL-WG at the European level (E) or in the CCMB at an international level (I).

When voting at a national level, the BSIcertification body prepares a revision of the draft AIS. When voting at the European or international level, the bodies in question are responsible for revising the technical papers.

The final version of national AIS or a JIL-WG or CCMB paper is announced as binding.

3. Announcing the binding AIS

Once the voting phase is complete, AISare announced as binding.

If this is a JIL-WG paper from a European vote, the fina JIL-WG unter dem Obertitel "Joint Interpretation Library" .document is announced under the heading 'Joint Interpretation Library' using AIS in the German scheme.

AIS are announced directly to the relevant bodies ( least the testing, certification and verification bodies). In addition, they should also be published on the Internet. In addition to the AIS published online, there may be other AIS which are scheme-specific, not available to the public and AIS only disclosed to the relevant bodies ( least the testing, certification and verification bodies). These includespecial procedural issues.

4. Maintaining and modifying AIS

Existing AIScan be amended or adapted by the BSIcertification body. Requests for amendments or adaptations may arise when AIS are applied during an evaluation or may be put forward to the certification body by external parties. Amendments to European JIL-WG papers or international CCMB papers can also result in amendments to or adaptations of AIS. When AISare amended, this promptsa new voting phase.