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Notes on Application and Interpretation (AIS)
in Line with ITSEC and Common Criteria (CC)

Notes on application and scheme interpretations (AIS) are documents that contain information and interpretations relating to the application of ITSEC and the Common Criteria (CC), or specifications on the evaluation and certification procedure.

AIS notes are required because ITSEC and the CC are formulated in very generic terms as IT security criteria for evaluating different types of IT security products (e.g. firewall products, operating systems, smartcard products, application programs with security properties). AIS notes may therefore refer, for example, to the evaluation of certain product types, certain procedures, or certain requirements of the criteria.

The objective is to ensure that a standard approach is followed in the application of ITSEC and the Common Criteria (CC). AIS notes are therefore primarily intended to support the evaluator and certifier in the application of security criteria during their work.

However, certain AIS notes are also of interest to manufacturers that want to have their products evaluated and certified.