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Applications for certification

To apply for Common Criteria certification (initial certification, recertification, maintenance or reassessment) for a specific product, the following application must be made:
Application for the Issuance of a Common Criteria Certificate (Initial certification, re-certification, maintainance, Re-assessment)

The application for the issuing of a certificate for a protection profile can be requested by sending an enquiry to

To have a development or production site certified according to the Common Criteria, the following application must be submitted to the BSI:
Application for the Issuance of a Site Certificate based on Common Criteria

Please send your completed and signed applications to:

Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Referat S 22 und S 24
Postfach 20 03 63
53133 Bonn

For the electronic submission of application documents to, the following PGP key can be used:
Public key
Key ID: 0246 36AF AFF4 54DD
Fingerprint: 63E1 5A3A E621 E700 E0F1 64E3 0246 36AF AFF4 54DD