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Application forms for an ISO 27001 certificate on the basis of IT-Grundschutz

To apply for an ISO (International Organization for Standardisation) 27001 certificate on the basis of IT (information technology)-Grundschutz, a corresponding application must be filled out and submitted to the BSI.

The following application forms are mandatory according to the Grundschutz COMPENDIUM and must not be changed in terms of their format:

As a basis for testing for audits conducted as part of ISO 27001 certification on the basis of IT-Grundschutz, the Grundschutz COMPENDIUM states that the documents listed in the

Basis for testing for certification according to ISO 27001 on the basis of IT (information technology)-Grundschutz

must be used in the versions as stated there

For questions about the certification process, feedback about potential improvements and further development of the certification scheme, and for the submission of certification documents (e.g. certification application, declaration of independence, accepted audit report in writing), please use the contact data as given below:

Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Referat SZ 25
Postfach 20 03 63
53133 Bonn
Telefon: +49 (0) 228 99 9582-6660
De-Mail (absenderbestätigt):

Vertrauliche Kommunikation

Für eine verschlüsselte Kommunikation mit der Zertifizierungsstelle nach ISO 27001 auf der Basis von IT-Grundschutz verwenden Sie bitte den nachfolgenden PGP-Schlüssel oder das S/MIME-Zertifikat:

Öffentlicher Schlüssel der IT-GS-Zertifizierungsstelle
Fingerprint: 86E1 85C3 D8FB 9D04 EBA2 7C01 4E3F EEB2 CFD8 F881

 S/MIME-Zertifikat der IT-GS-Zertifizierungsstelle
Fingerprint: A9DC 9345 7EA5 0ABF 0530 F256 A24A 3EFB D689 F198