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Complaint management

One of the tasks of the supervisory NCCA is the handling of complaints according to Regulation (EU) 2019/881 (Cybersecurity Act, in short: CSA). Article 63 of the CSA lays down that natural and legal persons have the right to lodge a complaint with the issuers of European cybersecurity certificates.

Complaints about certification procedures under the CSA can be sent informally by post to:

Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Abteilung S

postbox 20 03 63
53133 Bonn

Alternatively, there is the possibility to send complaints to the following e-mail address:

For encrypted communication, please use the S/MIME-certificate.

duration of validity:
16.03.2022 to 17.03.2025
‎16 36 3b 0f d8 28 ed 58 a7 47 f9 d1 f4 92 73 71 dc 7a 7f cd

If the complaint is justified after examination, appropriate measures will be taken. The complainants will be informed.

If the supervising NCCA concludes after the examination that the complaint is unjustified, the complainants will also be informed.