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Scope of digital radio BOS

In Germany, a nationwide uniform digital voice and data radio system for authorities and organisations with security tasks (BOS) is currently being set up. For the subsequent functional operation of the digital radio BOS, it is essential that all end devices intended for use in the digital radio BOS interact without interference with all other components of the digital radio BOS and fulfill certain performance characteristics specified by the Federal Office for Digital Radio of the BOS (BDBOS). Therefore, only such end devices may be used in digital radio BOS that have been technically checked on the basis of the BOS interoperability guidelines (BOS IOP) specified by the BDBOS.

The technical inspection of a radio device or a control center based on the BOS IOP is carried out by expert IT security service providers who are commissioned directly by the end device manufacturers or suppliers and are responsible to them for the results.

Based on the corresponding test reports, the BDBOS certification body decides on the certification of the end device.