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Application for recognition as a laboratory/certification as an IT security service provider

General Application Documents

In order to apply for a recognition/certification* for a laboratory or IT security service provider the following application form has to be filled in (german only):

Antrag auf Anerkennung als Prüfstelle / Zertifizierung als IT-Sicherheitsdienstleister

In addition, for each scope of application,  a completely filled in attachment 1 and in addition for the application scope Common Criteria the attachment 2 has to be sent to BSI (german only):

Anlage 1 Rollen und Mitarbeiter

Anlage 2 Matrix Evaluatorenkompetenz

Erläuterungen zur Matrix Evaluatorenkompetenz

Information for further documents, which are necessary for the application, can be seen for each scope of application.

Please send the completed and signed application form to:

Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Referat SZ 12
Postfach 20 03 63
53133 Bonn

Further information for the recognition/certification

Referenzkatalog (for applications for certification to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018, german only):


Encrypted exchange of electronic documents

For the electronic exchange of documents with the recognition/certification body by the program Gpg4win for the encryption of data is used.

General information for Gpg4win and the order form can be found here (german only): Informationen zu Gpg4win.

*The term recognition or certification relates to:

  • initial recognition/initial certification
  • rerecogniction/recertification
  • extension of scope