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BSI TR-03156 Public Sector Identity Management in Conjunction with European Registers

The implementation of the Entry-Exit-System (EES) will cause a wide expansion of the public sector identity management of Third Country Nationals. Especially the border control process of Third Country Nationals is no longer a mere verification process, but additionally covers the enrolment of identities in European registers.

In this context, the acquisition of fingerprints and biometric facial images will become the standard case for Third Country Nationals at the Schengen borders. In addition, the overall border control process of entering or exiting the Schengen area will become much more complex considering the number, type and dependencies of the legally mandated process steps. At the same time, border control process can span across multiple control systems, such as automated border control systems or self-service systems.

In this light, the Technical Guideline TR-03156 provides the specification basis of the EES border control processes when implementing the national EES processes. Furthermore, log information needed to provide an operative monitoring of the coming overall EES border control process is defined.

This Technical Guideline of the Federal Office for Information Security was written and will be regularly updated in collaboration with the Federal Police and the Federal Office of Administration.

Current Version

The available version of the BSI TR-03156 in this section represents the most current version. Part 1 and 3 are currently in development. Part 1 will be a more in depth introduction and part 3 will provide test case specifications for part 2.

TR-03156-2.1TR-03156-2.1 (currently not available)
TR-03156-Schema 1v1TR-03156-Schema 1v1 (currently not available)


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