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BSI TR-03137

BSI TR-03137 Part 1: Optically Verifiable Cryptographic Protection of non-electronic Documents (Digital Seal)

The digital seal is a mechanism that allows to verify (in parts or as a whole) the authenticity and integrity of non-electronic documents automatically by cryptographic means using optical document readers only. The digital seal is a two-dimensional barcode printed on the document and comprises digitally signed data for checking the authenticity of the document and the integrity of relevant document contents, e.g. text or images.

BSI TR-03137 Part 1 - Optically Verifiable Cryptographic Protection of non-electronic Documents (Digital Seal) Version 2.5

BSI TR 03137 – Part 2: JAB Code (Just Another Bar Code). Color Bar Code Symbology Specification

The storage capacity in monochromatic 2D barcodes is limited. In order to enable digital seals to store additional information (such as facial images, fingerprint templates, other biometric information or additional textual data), BSI TR-03137 Part 2 defines Just Another Barcode (JABCode), a color 2D barcode. By using color information, the storage capacity of the barcode is significantly enhanced compared to a monochromatic barcode with the same physical size.

BSI TR-03137 Part 2 - JAB Code (Just Another Bar Code) Version 1.0

The JAB-Code was published as ISO/IEC 23634 standard by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC31/WG1, see
Changes that are established during the standardization process are not part of this specification

Note that an independent open-source implementation (GNU Lesser GPL) is externally available at