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BSI TR-03135 Machine Authentication of MRTDs for Public Sector Applications

As of today a Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD) usually contains standardized, machine readable zones with biographic data and an electronic chip. In addition to typical human readable areas on MRTDs, many documents also feature special optical/physical properties which can only be recognized and evaluated by special recording equipment. These properties are intended as an additional indicator for the authenticity of a document or they can be used for establishing a link between the document and the owner. Besides these features, the integrated chip contains information that is printed on the document, e.g. name, date of birth, but also biometric characteristics and cryptographic material that ensures that a given document was issued by an official entity and was not altered, cloned or forged.

The German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) composed the Technical Guideline TR-03135 in collaboration with the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and the Federal Police (BPOL), that contributes to the new conditions regarding modern, machine assisted document inspection.

This Technical Guideline defines requirements for document inspection and a normative description of the necessary procedures that are required for a full featured check on modern machine readable (electronic) identity and travel documents, to acknowledge that a checked MRTD is authentic, of integrity and valid.

The Technical Guideline consists of three parts and XML-Schemas for logging in operational monitoring.

  • Part 1 provides an overview and functional requirements,
  • Part 2 specifies an operational profiling and
  • Part 3 specifies so called High Level Document Checks in a more formal way

Version 2.5 (released 2023-11-30)

TR-03135, Part 1, v2.5 BSI TR-03135 Machine Authentication of MRTDs for Public Sector Applications, Part 1, Version 2.5
TR-03135, Part 2, v2.5 BSI TR-03135 Machine Authentication of MRTDs for Public Sector Applications, Part 2, Version 2.5
TR-03135, Part 3, v2.5 BSI TR-03135 Machine Authentication of MRTDs for Public Sector Applications, Part 3, Version 2.5
TR-03135-XML, v2.5 TR-03135-XML XML-Schema and Logging-Format, Version 2.5

Version 2.4 (released 2021-12-17, schema bug fix on 2022-07-21)

TR-03135, Part 1, v2.4 BSI TR-03135 Machine Authentication of MRTDs for Public Sector Applications, Part 1, Version 2.4
TR-03135, Part 2, v2.4 BSI TR-03135 Machine Authentication of MRTDs for Public Sector Applications, Part 2, Version 2.4
TR-03135, Part 3, v2.4 BSI TR-03135 Machine Authentication of MRTDs for Public Sector Applications, Part 3, Version 2.4
TR-03135-XML, v2.4 TR-03135-XML XML-Schema and Logging-Format, Version 2.4

Version 2.3 (released 2018-11-27)

TR-03135, Part 1, v2.3 BSI TR-03135 Machine Authentication of MRTDs for Public Sector Applications, Part 1, Version 2.3
TR-03135, Part 2, v2.3 BSI TR-03135 Machine Authentication of MRTDs for Public Sector Applications, Part 2, Version 2.3
TR-03135, Part 3, v2.3 BSI TR-03135 Machine Authentication of MRTDs for Public Sector Applications, Part 3, Version 2.3
TR-03135-XML, v2.3 TR-03135-XML XML-Schema and Logging-Format, Version 2.3

