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BSI TR-03129 PKIs for Machine Readable Travel Documents-Protocols for the Management of Certificates and CRLs

The Technical Guideline 03129 specifies web-service based communication protocols for the exchange of certificate applications, certificates and certificate revocation lists, for example between the PKIs members in the context of official documents.
BSI-TR-03129 Technical Guideline PKIs for Machine Readable Travel Documents Version 1.10
BSI-TR-03129 WSDLs Version 1.10, 03-09-2010

Part 2

Part 2 of this technical guideline (TR-03129-2) specifies PKI-related communication protocols for security mechanisms in the context of machine readable travel documents. The target audience for this document are official authorities in the context of document checks (e. g. at the border control) that want to build an official inspection system.

BSI TR-03129-2 Technical Guidline PKIs for Machine Readable Travel Documents Version 1.4.1
BSI TR-3129-2 WSDLs Version 1.4.1

Previous versions:

Version 1.4

BSI-TR-03129-2 Technical Guideline PKIs for Machine Readable Travel Documents Version 1.4
BSI-TR-03129-2 WSDLs Version 1.4

Version 1.3.0
BSI-TR-03129-2 Technical Guideline PKIs for Machine Readable Travel Documents Version 1.3.0
BSI-TR-03129-2 WSDLs Version 1

Part 4

Part 4 of this technical guideline (TR-03129-4) specifies PKI-related communication protocols for the exchange of certificate applications, certificates and certificate revocation requests between entities of the Smart Metering PKI.
BSI-TR-03129-4 Technical Guideline PKIs for Smart Metering Version 1.3.1
BSI-TR-03129-4 WSDLs Version 1.3.1