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BSI TR-03118 Test Specifications for the Technical Guideline for production data acquisition, -quality testing and transmission for passports

The Technical Guideline 03118 defines test cases for the evaluation of all hard- and software- components deployed for the acquisition, quality insurance and transmission of the production data for electronic passports.

These test cases result from the requirements of the Technical Guideline for production data acquisition, -quality testing and transmission for passports (BSI-TR 03104 / TR-PDÜ).
The scope of application of this document is equivalent to TR-PDÜ.

All documents of this Technical Guideline are available for download (PDF).

Current Version: 2.1

Test Specification Biometry I – Hardware Components
(so far this document is only available as a preliminary version (German) and can be provided on request;

Test Specification Biometry II – Software Components (PDF, German)

Test Specification XPass & Transport (PDF, German)