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BSI TR-03108 Secure Email Transport

Today, communication takes place predominantly digitally. Email still is one of the most widely used communication services. Secure Email Transport protects your emails from person-in-the-middle attacks like eavesdropping and manipulation.

The Technical Guideline 'Secure Email Transport' (BSI TR-03108) defines verifiable requirements for an Email Service Provider. The goal of the Technical Guideline (TR) is to increase comparability and adoption of secure email communications. It allows an 'Email Service Provider' or 'Provider of an Email Service within its Organization' to provide evidence on reaching the predefined level of security.

Ideally the measures for Secure Email Transport are complemented by Email Authentication. For this purpose the Technical Guideline BSI TR-03182 Email Authentication was released.

Conceptual Overview of BSI TR-03108 and BSI TR-03182:

Grafik zur BSI TR-03108 (Picture has long description) TR-03182

Current versions

DocumentTitle, Version
BSI TR-03108-1 BSI TR-03108-1 Secure Email Transport, Version 1.0.2
BSI TR-03108-2 BSI TR-03108-2 Testspecification, Version 1.0.1
Schemadateien Schemadateien zur BSI TR-03108-2, Version 1.0.1
BSI TR-03108 BSI TR-03108 Secure Email-Transport, Version 2.0
BSI TR-03108-P BSI TR-03108-P Testspecification, Version 2.0
Schemadateien Schemadateien zur BSI TR-03108-P, Version 2.0

IT Security Label

In addition to the certification procedure described below, the Technical Guideline is also the underlying standard for the product category "email services" of the IT Security Label. Service providers can receive the BSI IT Security Label for their email services upon application after assuring their products conformity with TR-03108.

The IT Security Label currently bases on TR-03108-1 version 1.0.2 and the associated test specification TR-03108-2 version 1.0.1. Yet, we recommend parties interested in the IT Security Label to orientate themselves already towards the new version. This is backward compatible with the current version and may be a baseline requirement in the future.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email:

For further information on the IT Security Label, technical requirements and the application process please check the BSI website. A list of labels which have already been issued in the product category "email services" is available online at


Certification of an email service can provide independent proof of compliance with the requirements of the Technical Guideline (TR-03108, version 2.0). The TR-03108 (version 2.0) and the test specification (TR-03108-P, version 2.0 and the associated schema files) are the underlying standards for the certification procedure.

Providers who are interested in certification can contact the BSI directly. Further information and contact details are published under Product certification according to technical guidelines.

Recognition of testing laboratories

Conformity tests within the framework of certification procedures in accordance with TR-03108 are carried out by testing laboratories approved by the BSI. Information on the requirements and the procedure for recognition as a testing laboratory can be found under Application for accreditation as a testing laboratory.


For any questions concerning the Technical Guideline or if you are interested in the subject of „Secure Email Transport“, contact Please use one of the following public keys for encrypted contact.

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