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BSI TR-03104 Technical Guideline for production data acquisition, -quality testing and transmission for official documents

For the production of electronic passports the application data of the applicant have to be acquired with adequate high quality before they are transferred to the passport manufacturer. Production data is acquired at the appropriate authorities. These can be municipal registration offices or agencies abroad of the Federal Republic of Germany.

In this scope of application the Technical Guideline for production data acquisition, -quality testing and transmission for passports (TR-PDÜ) addresses producers of hard- and software, passport manufacturers, process developers, passport authorities and other bodies involved in the processing of application data.

This Technical Guideline represents a mandatory specification for all technical systems deployed for the acquisition, quality insurance and transmission of the production data. Manufactures, distributors and operators of such systems have to demonstrate the conformity of their products or services according to TR-PDÜ which is confirmed by BSI.

All documents of this Technical Guideline are available for download (PDF, or .zip German).

TR PDÜ, Current Version: 2.1.5

TR-03104Technische Richtlinie zur Produktionsdatenerfassung, -qualitätsprüfung und -übermittlung für hoheitliche Dokumente2.1.5
TR-03104 Annex 1Qualitätsanforderungen bei der Erfassung und Übertragung der Lichtbilder als biometrische Merkmale für elektronische Pässe [Annex 1 (QS-Gesicht)]2.1.5
TR-03104 Annex 2 Qualitätsanforderungen bei der Erfassung und Übertragung der Fingerabdrücke als biometrische Merkmale für elektronische Pässe [Annex 2 (QS-Finger)]2.1.5
TR-03104 Annex 3 Datenaustauschformat für die Übermittlung von Daten für elektronische Pässe [Annex 3 (XPass-Datenmodell)] Dokument ist nicht barrierefrei2.1.5
TR-03104 Annex 4 Konformität zur Technischen Richtlinie zur Produktionsdatenerfassung,-qualitätsprüfung und -übermittlung für Pässe [Annex 4 (Konformität)]2.1.5
Schemadateien (Version 2.1.x)Schemadateien (Version 2.1.x)2.1.5
Prüfspezifikation TR-03118Die Prüfspezifikation zur TR-PDÜ wird als separate TR gepflegt und entsprechend auf der Seite des BSI veröffentlicht [BSI TR-03118]2.1

Additional information about the current version

The Bundesrat has adopted the Technical Guideline for production data acquisition, -quality testing and transmission for official documents (TR-PDÜ) as annex to the decree for passport data acquisition and transmission (Passdatenerfassungs- und Übermittlungsverordnung – PassDEÜV). This decree (except article 1 §3 para. 2 and §7 para. 3) will come into effect by 1 November 2007 and its implementation is binding on all parties.

Changes to TR-PDÜ resulting from its publication as annex to PassDEÜV are included in the current version.

A record of upcoming changes to TR-PDÜ will be kept in the change documentation published on this site. Adoption of changes will be carried out according to the procedure described in §6 PassDEÜV.

Change documentation

TR PDÜ Änderungsdokument Nr. 1 (german)Referenzversion 2.1Final
TR PDÜ Änderungsdokument Nr. 2 (german)Referenzversion 2.1Final
TR PDÜ Änderungsdokument Nr. 3 (german)Referenzversion 2.1Final
TR PDÜ Änderungsdokument Nr. 4 (german)Referenzversion 2.1.1Final
TR PDÜ Änderungsdokument Nr. 5 (german)Referenzversion 2.1.2Final

History / Former versions of TR-PDÜ

  • Version 2.1.5 (12. October 2010 / Fehlerkorrektur bezüglich Oderns-/Künstlername im elektronischen Reiseausweis und Behebung editorischer Fehler)
  • Version 2.1.4 (31. March 2010 / Anpassung an neue Passverwaltungsvorschrift (PassVwV, Inkraftreten 01.11.2010)
  • Version 2.1.3 (03. April 2009 / Berücksichtigt abweichend von der Version 2.1.2 das Änderungsdokument Nr. 5)
  • Version 2.1.2 (19. August 2008 / enthält erstmalig die Spezifikation des Übertragungsformates für Reiseausweisanträge)
  • Version 2.1.1 (27 February 2008)
  • Version 2.1 (6 July 2007)
  • Version 1.1 (26 February 2007)
  • Version 1.0.3 (23 November 2006)

By version 1.1 the identifier of the Technical Guideline for production data acquisition, -quality testing and transmission for official documents (TR-PDÜ) was changed to BSI TR-03104. Version 1.1 replaces all former versions of TR-PDÜ released as BSI TR-03103.

Former versions of TR-PDÜ (formatting possibly not barrier-free) can be provided on request (mailto: (