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Protection Profile for Smart Meter Gateways (BSI-CC-PP-0073)

This protection profile describes potential threats to smart meter gateways in their typical operating environment and defines the minimum requirements regarding corresponding security measures. The protection profile for smart meter gateways focuses on the security functions to be performed by an installed gateway and defines the technical security requirements that every gateway must fulfil with respect to its interfaces to three networks: the local metrological network (LMN), the home area network (HAN), and the wide area network (WAN).

Future smart meter gateways will need to be audited based on this protection profile. If they pass this audit, they will receive a certificate that provides binding proof of their fulfilment of the relevant security objectives.

Meanwhile, the protection profile offers manufacturers a certain amount of leeway in devising technical provisions to meet the security requirements at hand. It also makes it possible to ensure the same high standard of security even when dealing with different circumstances (single-family homes and shared flats, for example, or solutions involving one or more devices) and guarantees that continuous product advancements are made when new technical possibilities arise.


The current version of the protection profile is available here:
Common Criteria Protection Profile BSI-CC-PP-0073-2014