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Test Specification for TR-03109-2 (TR-03109-TS-2)

On the basis of Technical Guideline TR-03109-2, this test specification defines test cases for characteristics related to functionality and interoperability.


The current version of the test specification for Technical Guideline BSI TR-03109-2 (TR-03109-TS-2) is available here:

BSI-TR-03109-TS-2 Testspezifikation Sicherheitsmodul, V 1.0

BSI-TR-03109-TS-2 Testkonzept Sicherheitsmodul, V 1.0

BSI-TR-03109-TS-2 Testidentifikation Sicherheitsmodul, V 1.0

BSI-TR-03109-TS-2 Testidentifikation Sicherheitsmodul, V 1.0 (Zip-Datei)

BSI-TR-03109-TS-2 Testdetailspezifikation Sicherheitsmodul, V 1.0