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Roadmap prozess

The application potential of the smart metering system (iMSys--intelligent metering system) as a key technology for the digitalisation of the energy transition is enormous and continues to develop.

With the rollout start for the installation of smart metering systems, an important milestone in the field of smart metering was reached at the beginning of 2020. The "Standardisation Strategy for Cross-Sector Digitalisation in Accordance with the Act on the Digitalisation of the Energy Transition (GDEW)" (the so-called "BMWi-BSI Roadmap") describes the authoritative and continuously updated work plan for the further development of the smart meter gateway for further areas of application towards a comprehensive communication platform for the energy transition. At the same time, the roadmap supports the stakeholders in the implementation of the legal requirements and contains work plans and schedules for the various areas of application of the iMSys--intelligent metering system.

With the publication of the "Technical key points for the further development of standards for the digitalisation of the energy transition" in May 2021, the first course was set for the further development of the BSI standards. For the gradual rollout of the iMSys--intelligent metering system, this should enable further installation cases.

The next development stage of smart metering systems

The next development stage of the iMSys--intelligent metering system and the associated standardisation projects are intended to enable the secure implementation of particularly pressing energy industry challenges. The necessary development stages of the iMSys--intelligent metering system and the associated system architecture descriptions were successfully coordinated in a broadly based industry dialogue together with the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK--Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz). The results are summarised in the "Step-by-step model for the further development of standards for the digitisation of the energy transition" (version 2.1).

As part of the digitisation of the energy transition, this step-by-step further development of the smart metering system sets incentives for the creation of value and implementation of further services and added values. These include the necessary technical requirements, for example, for the secure connection of charging infrastructure and the control of decentralised consumers and generators. In addition, multi-segment and sub-metering will be defined as the focus of further BSI standardisation projects and consolidated via the industry dialogue and roadmap process.

This process will thus ensure in future that the requirements of the digitalisation of the energy transition for further areas of application of the iMSys--intelligent metering system are determined together with the market players, associations and partner authorities and that fundamental decisions and scopes of change are described for the development of future BSI standards.