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Frequently Asked Questions About TR-03109-6 and Smart Meter Gateway Administration

Version dated 25 June 2020

CURRENT NOTICE: Meeting Technical Guideline requirements under exceptional circumstances

In principle, the information security management systems (ISMS) used by smart gateway administrators (GWAs) are tasked with responding to changes in processes, IT and other areas. New external requirements and specifications also need to be examined and evaluated within the framework of these ISMS.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, GWAs may need to reorganise their operations should Germany's public authorities issue a quarantine order. If this occurs, exemptions may apply. GWAs may be allowed to work from home, for example, even though this is generally forbidden by TR-03109-6. The additional measures that may need to be taken (whether organisational, technical, or of another nature) must then be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The exemptions allowed and the measures determined are to be documented and kept to a limited time frame.

The questions and answers covered below contain notices and explanations from the BSI. This FAQ thus reflects the current understanding of the BSI and can be used as corresponding orientation.
Regardless of the circumstances at hand, the affected companies are responsible for implementing the Metering Point Operation Act (MsbG) to the letter of the law. As a rule, situations pertaining to the MsbG are to be considered on a case-by-case basis.