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Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)

A new way to strengthen data protection in Europe?

One-day expert symposium marks the end of the Privacy Impact Assessment Guideline project

In the "Commission Recommendation on the implementation of privacy and data protection principles in applications supported by radio-frequency identification" from 12 May 2009, the European Commission advised operators of RFID systems to carry out privacy impact assessments (PIAs) on these systems.

Within the PIA Guideline project, the Federal Office for Information Security sought to incorporate the security methodology of BSI Technical Guideline TR-03126 (also referred to as TR RFID) as part of a standard approach to performing PIAs. The guideline produced in the project is thus meant to provide German industrial companies with an efficient means of following the recommendation on conducting privacy impact assessments based on BSI TR-03126. At the same time, the aim is to promote the secure use of RFID technology.

The guide developed by the Federal Office for Information Security in cooperation with the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) on the practical implementation of the PIA Framework (which was created by members of industry and co-regulated by the European Commission) was presented at a one-day expert symposium entitled "Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) -- A New Way to Strengthen Data Protection in Europe?"

Held at the Austrian Embassy in Berlin on 25 November 2011, this public event marked the end of the PIA Guideline project.

Privacy Impact Assessment Guideline for RFID Applications

Privacy Impact Assessment Guideline (Kurzfassung)

Programme and Presentations

08:30 -- 09:00Registration
09:00 -- 09:30Welcome address and introduction to subject matter
Dr Ralph Scheide, Austria's Ambassador to Germany
Michael Hange, President of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
Prof Dr Sarah Spiekermann, Head of the Institute for Management Information Systems, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)
Part 1: Are PIAs the right way forward in the context of European law?
09:30 -- 10:00Peter Schaar, German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
On the future of PIAs in relation to the supervision of data protection: How can PIAs be implemented in a practical manner and incorporated into everyday routines? In what form should PIAs be made obligatory? Would the affected companies and supervisory authorities be able to expend the amount of effort required?
10:00 -- 10:30Peter Hustinx, European Data Protection Supervisor
On the role PIAs could play in Europe's future data-protection efforts and the revision of the EU's Data Protection Directive
10:30 -- 11:0001 -- Bernd Kowalski, Department President at the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
Security Assessments und Security-by-Design – Erfahrungen über die Auswirkungen von Risikoabschätzungsverfahren auf die Entwicklung von Technologien
11:00 -- 11:30Coffee break
Part 2: Introduction to the PIA Framework for RFID, its origins, and related expectations
11:30 -- 12:0002 -- Dr Gerald Santucci, Head of DG INFSO, European Commission
Vorstellung des PIA Framework für RFID und seine Entstehungsgeschichte
12:00 -- 12:3003 -- Prof Dr Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of ENISA
Wie die ENISA den Erfolg von Umsetzungen des RFID PIA bewerten wird und wie die ENISA insgesamt den Ansatz von PIAs sieht
12:30 -- 13:30Lunch break
Part 3: Presentation of the BSI guide to implementing the PIA Framework for RFID
13:30 -- 14:3004 -- Harald Kelter, Project Lead at BSI, and Marie Oetzel, Scientist at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)
Einführung in den BSI PIA Leitfaden: Methodische Interpretation und Umsetzung des PIA Frameworks für RFID
14:30 -- 15:0005 -- Christian von Grone, CIO, Gerry Weber International AG
Erfahrungen aus der praktischen Anwendung des BSI PIA Leitfadens in der Textilindustrie
15:00 -- 15:20Coffee break
Part 4: Experiences in PIAs from the realms of industry and e-government
15:20 -- 15:4006 - Prof Dr Posch, CIO, Republic of Austria
Security Risk Assessments für das e-Government – Methoden und präventive Maßnahmen
15:40 -- 16:0007 -- David Wright, internationally recognised expert and advisor on privacy impact assessments
Internationale Erfahrungen im Bereich der Umsetzung von PIAs und des Engagements der Industrie
16:00 -- 16:2008 -- Heinz Paul Bonn, Vice President, Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation und neue Medien e.V. (BITKOM)
PIAs – Perspektiven und Chancen für die Industrie
16:20 -- 17:0009 -- Wolf-Rüdiger Hansen, Managing Director, AIM-Deutschland e.V.
Erste Erfahrungen bei der Einführung von PIAs in der Auto-ID Industrie
17:00 -- 17:15Short break
17:15 -- 18:15Podium
Christian von Grone, Prof Dr Posch, Peter Schaar, Peter Hustinx, Prof Helmbrecht
Moderator: Prof Dr Sarah Spiekermann
Are risk assessment procedures the right tools for taking on the challenges of data protection and data security in virtual environments?