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Safeguard catalogue for business continuity management - focus on IT emergencies -

Maßnahmenkatalog zum Notfallmanagement Maßnahmenkatalog zum Notfallmanagement

The safeguard catalogue for business continuity management is primarily aimed at managing directors and IT managers in small and medium-sized enterprises, regardless of the extent of their existing IT expertise. It provides an effective starting point for emergency management. Additional resources and contact options are highlighted in case you need support to manage IT emergencies.

Comprehensive business continuity management is not limited to the failure of information technology (IT) resources, but also takes into account the loss of human resources, infrastructure (e.g. buildings and facilities) and service providers. The safeguard catalogue focuses on IT emergencies and organises the selected safeguards into four phases: preparation, readiness, response and follow-up. All points are formulated in an action-oriented way.

To be able to pursue a comprehensive cyber security strategy, you should set up and maintain an Information Security Management System (ISMS) in line with recognised standards. However, an ISMS does not function on its own; it is appropriately complemented by a business continuity management system. This management process, carried out by BCM officers, also involves the development of the following components:

  • guidelines on business continuity management
  • the development of a contingency planning concept
  • an emergency handbook

Maßnahmenkatalog zum Notfallmanagement - Fokus IT-Notfälle -

Notes on application

Important safeguards are recommended in the preparation phase, which also include the use of the IT Crisis Map. During the readiness phase, its use is recommended.

Links with more information

The IT-Grundschutz of the BSI provides detailed information and standards for the organisation of information security and business continuity management

Implementation framework for business continuity management according to BSI Standard 100-4

List of the central contact points for the cybercrime units of the police forces of the federal states and the federal government

Reporting office for cyber security in Germany

Qualified DDoS -- Distributed Denial of Service Mitigation and APT -- Advanced Persistent Threat response service providers

Point of contact at your local chamber of commerce and industry

"IT security ambassadors" at the Chambers of Trades