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IT emergency card "Verhalten bei IT-Notfällen" [What to do in IT emergencies]

IT-Notfallkarte - Informationen zum Verhalten bei IT-Notfällen. IT-Notfallkarte

The IT emergency card "Verhalten bei IT-Notfällen" [What to do in IT emergencies] is the new information sign, similar to the familiar format "What to do in the event of a fire". It provides employees in organisations with important instructions on how to behave in all kinds of IT emergencies. The measures listed enable organisations to make the right decisions right from the start. The emergency card should be placed in central locations and makes an immediate contribution to security awareness in your organisation.

The information on the IT emergency card is aimed primarily at IT users in the organisation. It focuses on three messages:

  1. Knowing who the contact person is in the event of IT incidents in the organisation and how to contact them.
  2. Passing on crucial information about IT emergencies immediately.
  3. Taking countermeasures only after consultation with/instruction from the contact persons responsible for IT emergencies.

Not every IT emergency is easy to detect. It is even more difficult to judge whether it is caused by a malfunction or a cyber attack. Support your personnel and put this decision in the right hands. For help when searching for the right contact persons, see the Maßnahmenkatalog zum Notfallmanagement [Safeguard catalogue for emergency management].

Training and measures to increase awareness in the organisation provide an opportunity to introduce the IT emergency card. This can enable staff to become an important component of cyber security in an organisation. Encourage your employees to report any regularly occurring, suspicious behaviour patterns in IT systems.

IT-Notfallkarte "Verhalten bei IT-Notfällen", DIN A4

If you wish to add your own logo to the IT emergency card, you can use the following version:

IT-Notfallkarte "Verhalten bei IT-Notfällen", DIN A4, Raum für eigenes Logo

Emergency card in other languages

Notes on application

The IT emergency card is provided for download as a PDF document with an editable text field. You can enter the relevant telephone number for IT emergencies in this field. This is the point of contact for your staff in the event of an emergency. This may be your organisation's own internal IT support team or an external service provider with which you have already made corresponding agreements.

Place your IT emergency card in corridors, in work rooms or at IT workstations: wherever IT users will need to find this information in the event of an IT emergency.

Extended conditions of use for the IT emergency card

The use and distribution of the IT emergency card "Verhalten bei IT-Notfällen" ["What to do in IT emergencies"] is expressly desirable.

In addition to the conditions of use published here, the following extended conditions of use apply to the use of the IT emergency card:

You are permitted to use the IT emergency card within your organisation, and it is permitted to be used by your service providers. You are also permitted to reproduce and distribute it, and fill in the appropriate fields so that employees have behavioural rules to hand in the event of IT emergencies. However, any other changes or editing of the IT emergency card or any other commercial use is not permitted. If you wish to add your own logo to the IT emergency card, please use the version that provides a blank space for your logo.