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First steps for cyber security

Even simple safeguards that can be implemented with minimal effort can help to improve cyber security significantly in your company. The following practical recommendations for the first steps are particularly aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises.

Step 1: Identify a need for action

Step 2: Implement some initial safeguards

Step 3: Keep in touch!

Join the Alliance Cyber Security

The Alliance for Cyber Security (ACS) is a platform established by the BSI for exchanging information and experiences relating to cyber security within the field of business. As participants in the initiative, which now has 7764 members, companies are part of a strong network. It offers a wealth of experience and can often provide crucial support, particularly in the event of an IT security incident. Joining the Alliance for Cyber Security for free is therefore a simple and sensible way for any company to increase its IT security.

More services from the BSI

As the national cyber security authority, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) offers companies a range of ways to help increase their information security. The BSI website contains information on standards, as well as status reports, recommendations and a host of more in-depth publications.