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Recommendations on structural-technical measures for data centres with increased availability requirements

The recommendations on structural-technical measures for data centres with increased availability requirements (in short: 'data centre availability measures') relate to the internal design of such facilities. Designed for those involved in the planning, construction and operation of data centre infrastructures, they provide an overview of technical aspects that must be taken into account when setting up a data centre to meet increased availability requirements.

Download (available in german speech): RZ-Verfügbarkeitsmaßnahmen Version 1.0 Stand: 2023

While the data centre availability measures are primarily concerned with the constructional-technical structure of HV data centres, the criteria for the selection of data locations, which were last updated in 2019, deal with the external relationships of data centres to their
environment as well as the redundancy relationships between data centres.

The "Data Centre Availability Measures" can also be used as a supplement to the implementation instructions for the IT-Grundschutz building blocks INF.1 to INF.6 and INF.12.

The "Data Centre Availability Measures" are being published in this form by the BSI for the first time. If you have any suggestions or questions
that would allow the BSI to further develop the document, you can send them to