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High Availability Compendium

The HA Compendium, Version 1.6, from the BSI provides instruments used for the identification of critical business processes and the determination of their quality requirements, and makes proposals for a requirement-compliant service design. In addition to a canon of availability-optimised HA architectures, suitable IT processes are defined that guarantee IT service optimisation in the context of high availability and maximum availability. For the purposes of target monitoring, indicators are introduced that correlate with the availability aspect and supplement the maturity model for evaluation and control.

Overview of the four-volume HA Compendium:

  • Volume G describes the approaches for an analysis of critical business processes, for the design of high-availability IT services and for IT control based on maturity models.

No longer available:

  • Volume B provides modules with architectures and recommended safeguards for implementing high availability.
  • Volume M provides recommended safeguards condensed into a catalogue of safeguards.
  • Volume AH comprises architecture models, control instruments and other tools.


Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Referat BL 32
Postfach 20 03 63
53133 Bonn
